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Would Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" Resonate In the Bah-Humbug of Christmas Present?

One of my favorite themes is the idea that being jaded, cynical, and angry is not strength. On the contrary, maintaining your idealism and kindness in a sometimes harsh world is true strength. In 2010, I asked the question of whether Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" would be published today, or whether it would be considered overly sentimental and naive in an age of dystopian vampire fiction. This piece was published in the Christian Science Monitor, just before Christmas 2010, and I was very proud of it. 

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Slide and the Family Bone


This is just a fun piece about the unbridled energies and joys of adolescence - playing the trombone in the middle school marching band, and trying to practice this unwieldy horse of an instrument - much to the chagrin of two golden retrievers who would have been perfectly happy never to have heard me play this loud and offensive instrument. 

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An Essay on Doing What You Love

Below is a link to an essay of mine that appeared in the Wall Street Journal as an Op-Ed piece in May of 2013. The essay asks whether the popular slogan of "Do What You Love" captures the whole picture of what defines meaningful and rewarding work.  


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